Dilys Price OBE was one of the most amazing people I have ever met and photographed. Dilys had an unquenchable thirst for life. And at ‘An Evening With Dilys Price’ (Ffresh, Wales Millennium Centre 14th July 2019), she told the expectant audience about her life and what made her tick.
I first met Dilys Price at the wonderful Touch Trust, a registered charity based in Cardiff, at the iconic Wales Millennium Centre. They provide unique creative movement programmes for individuals with learning disabilities, those affected by autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), complex needs, behaviour which challenges, and other vulnerable groups in the community. The charity was created by Dilys. Touch Trust is also one of my eldest son’s favourite places. Greg has learning difficulties, Down’s Syndrome and health problems. Greg and my wife Jackie even featured in a video part of Dilys’s presentation. Dilys’s story was fascinating. It was not until 1996 that she founded Touch Trust, at an age when most people are planning retirement. She was 54 when she started jumping our of aeroplanes. Since her first jump, “Daredevil Dilys” raised thousands of pounds for charity and completed in excess of 1,140 jumps. She was a remarkable lady and an example to us all. And she was right when she told us all to make the most of every day and that life is for living. Dilys passed away in October 2020 at the age of 88.
Find out more about the amazing charity she founded and loved: Touch Trust