These sunset photographs were taken on late afternoon walks up the Garth Hill near Pentyrch in South Wales just two days apart. On the first day, the sky had been cloudless since early morning, with low temperatures meaning that areas of the mountain were still coated in frost from the night before. However, as I made my way to the top, banks of cloud started to appear. I still managed to get a few decent photographs before the sun disappeared behind the clouds for one last time. Then it was a long walk back to the car in the dark. Two days later and the scene couldn’t have been more different. For most of the day the hill top had been shrouded in low cloud. However, as we reached the top the cloud turned into low mist presenting fantastic opportunities for some atmospheric images.
Related galleries: Scenic photographs of mountains and coasts. To enquire about purchasing any of the photographs displayed (as a JPG, print, acrylic or canvas), please contact Paul on