24hrs4cf 2024

At 08:00 on Saturday 30th November, Josh Llewellyn-Jones jumped up onto the box for the first time.  It was the start of another 24 hour challenge, 24hrs4CF.  In the Lift Club gym in Caerphilly, Josh’s fiancee Angharad, family and friends watched Josh as he breezed through the first 240 box jumps and moved onto 240 deadlifts.  The challenge was now well and truly underway, but there would be some dark times ahead.  I joined Josh at four different stages of the challenge (08:00 – 09:15, 14:30 – 15:10, 18:50-22:40 and 06:00-08:00) and still cannot comprehend how he does it.  Jumping up onto a box 240 times would finish me and that was just the start.  And I have to remind myself that Josh has cystic fibrosis, a condition that compromises both the lungs and digestive system.  Every time I returned to the gym, the strain of the challenge was apparent.  And the 24 mile run/walk at the end was simply brutal.  But, once again, Josh defied the doubters.  His bloody-mindedness and constant support from Angharad got him through the 24 hours, and all to raise awareness of  cystic fibrosis and money for his charity CF Warriors.  Another incredible achievement.  Here’s the story of 24hrs4CF in 2024 in photographs.

You can still sponsor Josh on his Just Giving page.