Zixtel Metal Recycling Bunting

Zixtel is a great example of evolution in adversity.  During the pandemic, Zixtel’s management team decided to change direction and become a leading recycler of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).  And their aim was to end up with the absolute minimum amount of waste.  The company designed and built a plant in Weatherby that included a Bunting Metal Separation Module (Eddy Current Separator and Drum Magnet).  The Bunting equipment would recover small ferrous and all non-ferrous metals and worked just after a Bunting Permanent Overband Magnet which recovered the larger ferrous metals.  These photographs were used to support a press release, blog, and were used widely for digital marketing purposes.

Press release and blog:  Zixtel Evolves with Bunting’s Eddy Current Separator

Related galleries:  Photographs of equipment in action.  To discuss a photography assignment, please contact Paul on paul@paulfearsphoto.co.uk