Tŷ Hafan Chefs’ Night Out 2023

The Chefs’ Night Out is a spectacular celebration of amazingly creative food cooked by some of the UK’s top chefs.  The event, first held in 2010, is the brainchild of David Loosemore, Managing Director of Portabella, and Huw Edwards, Head of Auctions and Auctioneer at Seel & Co. and raises funds for Tŷ Hafan the Welsh… Read More

10nTaff Training September 2020

September marked a wonderful change in the seasons, with greens turning to browns and leaves starting to fall from trees.   It was wonderful to witness the change as I cycled and hiked whilst training for the 2021 10nTaff for Tŷ Hafan.  However, the change of seasons also brought colder and wetter weather and shorter days. … Read More

10nTaff Training August 2020

On August, I spent 17 out of 31 days spent either walking or mountain biking training for next year’s 10nTaff challenge for Tŷ Hafan.  Over 26 hours, I walked 68 miles, climbing 9957 feet (3035m) and cycled 60 miles, climbing 6197 feet (1889m).  My playground has been very local with the Garth Hill, Craig-yr-Allt, Rudry… Read More

5in55 Stage 5 Pen-y-Fan

Photographs taken during the 4-day 5in55 mountain challenge for Tŷ Hafan.  Four down and one to go.  Pen-y-Fan was by far the easiest, but there were some weary and sore bodies among us.  Under beautiful blue skies, we walked to the top and celebrated at the peak.  The challenge was done and in just over… Read More