It was December 2013 and my very first day as Paul Fears Photography. I was sitting in my office looking at my computer screen with a rumbling feeling of panic. I didn’t have a single customer, order or enquiry. Had I been crazy in thinking I could set up my own photography business? A decade… Read More
Posts Tagged Event Photographer
12 Photos Defining My 2021
My year, both personally and professionally, has been dictated by the ongoing pandemic. Indeed, many of the images featured in this photographic review of 2021 may not have been taken without the Covid-related changes to our everyday life. As photography is both my profession and hobby, I take a lot of photos and I thought… Read More
Supporting Student Photographers
Carving a career in any creative industry is difficult. Photography is no different. Despite being an amazing photographer, a student may find it difficult to get the break that they need. Also, many student photographers have no idea of the wide variety of career opportunities that there are in photography such as events, product (from… Read More