My first training session for the Tŷ Hafan 10nTaff challenge in 2020 took place on 2nd January, with my last on 30th December. Over those 12 months, I hiked and cycled off-road a total of nearly 1,170 miles. This involved ascending on foot 82,000 feet and on my mountain bike 47,000 feet. That equates to… Read More
Posts Tagged Garth Hill
Walking 130 Miles and 50 Hours For Ty Hafan 5in55
Training for the Ty Hafan 5in55 In a month's time, on 4th July 2018, a group of Dad's from Ty Hafan will be in a mini bus for 12 hours on their way to Ben Nevis in Scotland. On the 5th July, they start climbing the mountain, the first stage of the gruelling Ty Hafan... Read More