Cadair Idris 2010

As the second mountain in the Tŷ Hafan Welsh 3 Peaks challenge, Cadair Idris is widely regarded as the toughest climb.  You climb uneven steep steps for an hour before the glory of Cadair Idris unfolds before you.  Then there is the up and down to the peak as you traverse the Llyn Cau lake. … Read More

Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) Dawn 2010

We took our first step on the path up to the top of Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) at 04:30 at the beginning of July 2010.  It was still dark and very cold.  Within thirty minutes, the sun had started to peak through the clouds, lighting up the mountains.  It was spectacular.  The top of Yr Wyddfa… Read More

Garth Hill Sunset Nov 20

These sunset photographs were taken on late afternoon walks up the Garth Hill near Pentyrch in South Wales just two days apart.  On the first day, the sky had been cloudless since early morning, with low temperatures meaning that areas of the mountain were still coated in frost from the night before.  However, as I… Read More

Garth Hill Winter Sunset Jan 20

On a beautiful Sunday evening in January 2020, I took the opportunity to get some more training in for the Ty Hafan #10nTaff with a walk up the Garth Hill near Pentyrch.  However, I think I spent more time photographing the spectacular sunset than training hard to the challenge!  This Garth Hill Winter sunset was… Read More

5in55 Drive Up To Scotland

Photographs taken during the 4-day 5in55 mountain challenge for Tŷ Hafan.  On day 1 we left the hospice early in the morning on a 12 hour drive up to our base near the start of the Ben Nevis trail. Other 5in55 galleries: Ben Nevis (5th July 2018) Scafell Pike (6th July 2018) Snowdon (6th July… Read More

5in55 Stage 1 Ben Nevis

Photographs taken during the 4-day 5in55 mountain challenge for Tŷ Hafan.  Ben Nevis was the first and highest mountain of the challenge.  After spending a few hours in Fort William and filling our stomachs with a big breakfast, we were ready to start the challenge.  Walked: 11.5 miles; Elevation gained: 1575m;  Time take: 6 hrs… Read More

5in55 Stage 2 Scafell Pike

Photographs taken during the 4-day 5in55 mountain challenge for Tŷ Hafan.  After driving down from Ben Nevis overnight, we reached the base of Scafell Pike in the early hours of 6th July.  It was the start of a very long day.  Walked: 6.3 miles;  Elevation gained: 991m;  Time taken: 4 hrs 5 mins; Other 5in55… Read More

5in55 Stage 3 Snowdon

Photographs taken during the 4-day 5in55 mountain challenge for Tŷ Hafan.  It was great to be back in Wales, but the drive from Scafell Pike had taken far longer than expected.  Now it was time to conquer the highest peak in our home country, Snowdon in the Snowdonia National Park.  Walked: 9.8 miles;  Elevation gained:… Read More

5in55 Stage 4 Cadair Idris

Photographs taken during the 4-day 5in55 mountain challenge for Tŷ Hafan.  We had arrived at the hostel late the previous night, but managed to get a few hours sleep.  However, the first three mountains had taken their toll.  There were some very sore legs and blistered feet.  It was the final day and there were… Read More

5in55 Stage 5 Pen-y-Fan

Photographs taken during the 4-day 5in55 mountain challenge for Tŷ Hafan.  Four down and one to go.  Pen-y-Fan was by far the easiest, but there were some weary and sore bodies among us.  Under beautiful blue skies, we walked to the top and celebrated at the peak.  The challenge was done and in just over… Read More