Garth Hill Winter Sunset 2022

Being just one hour’s walk from my house, I spend quite a bit of time walking around and over the Garth Hill.  In January, a walk up the Garth can mean getting very wet or being freezing cold, but you also get to see some spectacular sun sets.  From the summit, you watch the sun… Read More

Severn Bridge Sunset

Sometimes photography is all about being in the right place at the right time.  On a Summer’s evening, whilst driving back from Heathrow Airport, I just happened to be at the original Severn Bridge crossing on the M48 as the sun was setting. Related galleries:  Scenic Photographs of Mountains, Coastlines & Sunsets.  To purchase a… Read More

Garth Hill Sunset Nov 20

These sunset photographs were taken on late afternoon walks up the Garth Hill near Pentyrch in South Wales just two days apart.  On the first day, the sky had been cloudless since early morning, with low temperatures meaning that areas of the mountain were still coated in frost from the night before.  However, as I… Read More

Whitstable Kent

In 2013, I spent a year travelling back and forth from South Wales to Whitstable in Kent.  Whilst staying on the sea front, I saw some of the most stunning sunsets seen in the UK.  The mud flat coast line was perfect for reflections of colour as I watched the sun fall out of the… Read More

Dyffryn Gardens Sunset January 2020

The Winter sun was setting as Jackie and I wandered around the wonderful Dyffryn Gardens.  With the back of the historical house was bathed in golden light, we headed to the newly renovated fountain and pond.  By kneeling on the damp ground, we could see the reflection of the house in the still waters.  This… Read More

Garth Hill Winter Sunset Jan 20

On a beautiful Sunday evening in January 2020, I took the opportunity to get some more training in for the Ty Hafan #10nTaff with a walk up the Garth Hill near Pentyrch.  However, I think I spent more time photographing the spectacular sunset than training hard to the challenge!  This Garth Hill Winter sunset was… Read More

Garth Hill Sunset Feb 19

Sunsets tend to be more spectacular in the Winter as the air is clearer and the colours appear far richer.  This set of photographs were taken as I climbed the Garth Hill near Pentyrch in South Wales in February 2019. Related galleries:  Scenic.  To discuss a photography assignment, please contact Paul on