Pen-y-Fan Dawn January 2024

When we parked in the Pen-y-Fan Pont ar Daf car park, it was still dark and the temperature was -6°C.  Unbeknown to us the bridge crossing the small stream leading to the main Pen-y-Fan path was no longer there and so we had to try and cross the stream, with stepping stones covered in thick… Read More

Pen-y-Fan 2023 Cancer Research Wales

It was 12:20am on Sunday 18th June when we set off on the final stage of the Welsh 3 Peaks for Cancer Research Wales.  Despite the time and the tired legs, morale was high with a buzz of expectation.  The pitch black was only broken with the light from head torches as the group climbed… Read More

Pen-y-Fan 2023

The final mountain of the Tŷ Hafan Welsh 3 Peaks in Pen-y-Fan.  Normally it is a straight forward 440m climb to the top, but with tired legs after already scaling Yr Wyddfa and Cadair Idris, it is anything but easy. Welsh 3 Peaks photo gallery: Registration Yr Wydda (Snowdon) Cadair Idris Pen-y-Fan

Stage 2 Five Highest South Wales Mountains

Overnight, after completing stage 1 and climbing the five highest mountains in North Wales, we drove down to South Wales and the first mountain of day 2 Fan Brydeiniog.  The only sleep we got was in the minibus, which was limited.  During the drive down we had received the news that our guide, Jim Rigby,… Read More

Pen-y-Fan 2022

Finally, the weather broke and the hikers were doused with bursts of sunshine through puffy clouds in a blue sky.  One more mountain to climb and the highest peak in the Brecon Beacons – Pen-y-Fan.  If any participant wishes to have copies of the photographs, which are free of charge, please email me on…. Read More

Pen-y-Fan and Cribyn May 2018

Training for the July 2018 5in55 challenge for Ty Hafan really ramped up in the May, and I was regularly out climbing in the Brecon Beacons in all weathers.  When it rained, it poured.  But when the sun shone, it was exhilarating!  Due to work commitments, I mostly walked in the evening and watched the… Read More

Pen-y-Fan May 2010

If you’re lucky, the sun shines and the views are simply magnificent when climbing Pen-y-Fan mountain in the Brecon Beacons.  In May 2010, I was training to take part in the Ty Hafan Welsh 3 Peaks with work colleagues.  As always, I was armed with my camera, taking the opportunity to photograph some of the… Read More

Pen-y-Fan 2019

The final stage of the 2019 Ty Hafan Welsh 3 Peaks challenge, climbing Pen-y-Fan the highest peak in the Brecon Beacons. Photos from Cadair Idris Photos from Snowdon

Above the Clouds Brecon Beacons

When we started walking up Fan Fawr in the Brecon Beacons National Park, we had no idea that we would end up walking out of the low cloud.  The cold and damp fog hung around us in the car park and it looked like another walk without a view.  However, as we ascended the mountain… Read More

Pen y Fan Mountain July 2020

A rare walk up the Brecon Beacon’s Pen y Fan mountain in 2020 whilst training for the 10nTaff challenge for Ty Hafan.   The 2020 challenge had been delayed until 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but I still needed to train.  The weather was stunning, proving the perfect light for photography.  A wonderful few hours… Read More