Day 1 Conwy to Bala Lake

Day 1 of the BikeBoatBoot challenge for Tŷ Hafan started at Tŷ Gobaith, just south of Conwy in North Wales.  We had 4 days to cycle, hike and kayak the length of Wales.  We were all nervous but excited as we set off to cycle the first stage back to Betws-y-Coed where we had stayed… Read More

Day 2 Bala Lake to Ponterwyd

Day 2 was when the challenge started getting challenging!  Up again at 4:30am and out ready to start hiking by 6am.  In the drizzle, Jake and Joe took us hiking for stage 1, a 8.3 miles from the Glan-llyd Outdoor Activity Centre to Drws-y-Nant, ascending 772 feet in 3 hours and 11 minutes.  After bacon… Read More

Day 3 Ponterwyd to Brecon

When we thought the challenge could not get any harder, along came day 3.  The toughest day of the 4-day challenge.  The team set off from Ponterwyd on bikes at 6:30am with Will and Dean, passing Devil’s Bridge and cycling up a pretty tough climb and then down into Cwmystwyth.  We covered 7.6 miles in… Read More

Day 4 Brecon to Tŷ Hafan in Sully

On day 4, the team set off with Jake and Joe from Brecon at 6am and spirits were high.  We hiked into the Bannau Brycheiniog mountains following the path up and between Cribyn and Fan-y-Big and finishing in the Upper Neuadd reservoir car park.  The 8 mile hike took 3 hours 17 minutes with a… Read More

Registration 2024

At the Betws-y-Coed Memorial Hall, teams gathered to register for the 2024 GE Aerospace Welsh 3 Peaks for Tŷ Hafan.  Without the amazing team from GE Aerospace the challenge would not be possible.  GE Aerospace people plan and marshal the whole event, including registering all the teams.  Thank you!  As the teams registered, there was… Read More

Yr Wyddfa 2024

In the early hours of Saturday 8th June, the teams taking on the Tŷ Hafan Welsh 3 Peaks arrived at the Pen-y-Pass car park to start the three mountain challenge.  With the first team setting off at 4am, the skies were dark, the wind was bitterly cold, and the rain was on its way.  But… Read More

Cadair Idris 2024

Cadair Idris, my personal favourite mountain of the Welsh 3 Peaks.  But also the most challenging, especially after climbing Yr Wyddfa.  This would be the mountain that pushed the teams on the Tŷ Hafan Welsh 3 Peaks to the limit! To download any of the photographs, simply click on a photo, then right click and… Read More

Pen-y-Fan 2024

Even though Pen-y-Fan is the lowest and final mountain of the Tŷ Hafan Welsh 3 Peaks, it still requires climbing.  And after climbing Yr Wyddfa and Cadair Idris, there were many tired legs setting off across the bridge and up to the summit. To download any of the photographs, simply click on a photo, then… Read More

Tŷ Hafan Firewalk

For the second time, I photographed people walking over hot coals for Tŷ Hafan.  And I am thankful that I was behind the camera and not in front of it!  Congratulations to all the amazing Tŷ Hafan supporters who took on the challenge at the Cardiff City Stadium on Sunday 17th March 2024 to fundraise… Read More

Registration 2023

The day before the start of the Tŷ Hafan Welsh 3 Peaks, the teams register in Betws-y-Coed.  The amazing volunteers from GE Aviation Wales check the kit and sign in the teams ready to take on the tri-mountain challenge! Welsh 3 Peaks photo gallery: Registration Yr Wydda (Snowdon) Cadair Idris Pen-y-Fan