Garth Hill Winter Sunset 2022

Being just one hour’s walk from my house, I spend quite a bit of time walking around and over the Garth Hill.  In January, a walk up the Garth can mean getting very wet or being freezing cold, but you also get to see some spectacular sun sets.  From the summit, you watch the sun… Read More

10nTaff Training August 2021

Training for the 2022 10nTaff challenge for Tŷ Hafan has been tough in August 2021.  An ongoing back issue has restricted the training, although I managed 15 walks covering 69 miles in 23 hours, ascending over 11,000 feet.  The weather was typically Welsh, ranging from warm evenings to heavy downpours and ending with cooler Autumnal… Read More

Severn Bridge Sunset

Sometimes photography is all about being in the right place at the right time.  On a Summer’s evening, whilst driving back from Heathrow Airport, I just happened to be at the original Severn Bridge crossing on the M48 as the sun was setting. Related galleries:  Scenic Photographs of Mountains, Coastlines & Sunsets.  To purchase a… Read More

Cadair Idris 2010

As the second mountain in the Tŷ Hafan Welsh 3 Peaks challenge, Cadair Idris is widely regarded as the toughest climb.  You climb uneven steep steps for an hour before the glory of Cadair Idris unfolds before you.  Then there is the up and down to the peak as you traverse the Llyn Cau lake. … Read More

Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) Dawn 2010

We took our first step on the path up to the top of Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) at 04:30 at the beginning of July 2010.  It was still dark and very cold.  Within thirty minutes, the sun had started to peak through the clouds, lighting up the mountains.  It was spectacular.  The top of Yr Wyddfa… Read More

Pen-y-Fan and Cribyn May 2018

Training for the July 2018 5in55 challenge for Ty Hafan really ramped up in the May, and I was regularly out climbing in the Brecon Beacons in all weathers.  When it rained, it poured.  But when the sun shone, it was exhilarating!  Due to work commitments, I mostly walked in the evening and watched the… Read More

Garth Hill Snow Jan 21

In January 2021, South Wales was dusted with a covering of snow, the first snow fall of the year.  As a photographer, this was too good an opportunity to miss and so I wrapped up warm, slung my Canon 6D over my shoulder and off I went to photograph Garth Hill snow.  My walk took… Read More

Garth Hill Sunset Nov 20

These sunset photographs were taken on late afternoon walks up the Garth Hill near Pentyrch in South Wales just two days apart.  On the first day, the sky had been cloudless since early morning, with low temperatures meaning that areas of the mountain were still coated in frost from the night before.  However, as I… Read More

Stormy Sky August 20

After several days of high temperatures, the clouds started to form in a very the stormy sky.  This was the prelude to a night of thunder, lightning and heavy rain.  Late in the sticky and hot evening, I walked up to the top of the Garth Hill and saw the bright colours of sunset as… Read More

10nTaff Training June 2020

June has been a tough month.  The reality of the ongoing Coronavirus crisis has really hit home.  As a family, we’re still in isolation with a very uncertain future.  Getting out walking and cycling certainly helps, but it is all done alone.  It would be great to go out walking with my wife or the… Read More